Wednesday, May 8, 2013

COMMERCIAL BREAK - Burger King Burger Bundles

From time to time, my mind pops up the most random crap.  It's rainy outside and I'm think of Burger King...I think of their old Burger Bundles.  What?! You don't remember Burger Bundles?!  How about Burger Buddies?!  No?! Well, then I present to you Living on a Bun's very first commercial break roll it:

When these debuted, I was the perfect age and size for these fantastic mini burgers.  A couple years ago BK brought back their mini burgers but now dubbed BK Burger Shots because they're street now...whatever!

Here's a bonus Breakfast Buddies commercial and why yes that is Evander Holyfield!

Burger Bundles and Burger Buddies will live on in my heart and this commercial break!  Back when Burger King knew what they were doing!

Here's some wonderful wrapper footage!

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