Well, thank you researchers! After years of me saying that "you are no better getting Subway than McDonald's," and no one believing me, researchers at UCLA came to the same conclusion. Take that Subway "healthy" people. You are no better off than me and my Big Mac eating ways. HAAHAAHA!
To the results:
Researchers found that during their experiment,
which you can read here, participants buying lunch at Subway would consume on average only 83 calories less than participants buying lunch at McDonald's. Not a significant difference.
On average researchers found that a sandwich at Subway ranks WAY higher in sodium content than an average sandwich at McDonald's. Also, an average Subway sandwich has a higher calorie intake than an average McDonald's sandwich.
Of course, nutritionists caution that for a healthy diet you would want to avoid fast food. Of course, I will not listen to that. I say, moderation is always the best. I'm a fast food junkie no if's, and's, or but's about it and always will be. But it does feel really good to pass by Subway and snicker over my tasty Bic Mac. MUUUUHAHAHAHAHA!
Come here my pretty! |