Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hello There!

My name is Lauren and I am a fast food addict.  Since my earliest memories I have always LOVED food especially fast food.

Ask me about any major event in my life, I can probably tell you what I ate that day.  For example, high school graduation I had Jack in the Box specifically a chicken teriyaki bowl and mozzarella cheese sticks.  My first date with my boyfriend, McDonalds; two cheeseburgers, small fries and a Diet Coke (because that makes it better).  The day I got my first bra, Kentucky Fried Chicken.  The embarrassing day that I passed out in health class, Burger King; Cheeseburger Kid's Meal...hey, I just passed out in front of my whole class, I think I deserved the toy.  That is me.  I'm that person who is always thinking about three meals ahead of time.  As a matter of fact, I already know what I'm having for dinner tomorrow...Chinese food...see a future post about Yummy Express.  I'm also that dodgy looking person who turns the car around to go back to a fast food joint because I just spotted an ad about their latest addition to their value menu at 1 in the morning.

Living on a Bun! is an experiment I've been toying with in my head for the past couple of years.  I will be posting fast food reviews and sharing the latest news about the wonderful world of fast food.  This is a ever growing experiment and who knows what it may end up being but let's give it a whirl!